Join us as we reach out to our community and the world around us.
Come join us in the church foyer every Monday for a FREE tasty lunch between 12-1pm. Everyone is welcome!
If you’re struggling with debt, we’re here to help. Christians against Poverty (CAP) has a Debt Centre Manager, Nicola Dodd, based here at our Church. She is available to assist those struggling with debt, with the aim of becoming debt free!
You can ring Nicola directly on 027 308 5409 or ring the National call centre toll free number 0508 227 111. Alternatively, to find out more follow the link to the CAP website:
Impacting the lives of boys and young men, providing life skills that build character to equip them for life.
Boys Brigade is for boys aged 5-17 and is run by a group of positive Christian role models leading fun filled, creative, weekly activities with a balanced programme, that is both skills and values based.
Anchor Boys (5-7 years) @ 6:00-7:30pm
Team Section (8-10 years) @ 6:00-7:30pm
When: Wednesday evening (during term time)
Where: The Sports Hall in Ashburton (behind New World)
Company Section (11yrs +) @ 6:45-8:30pm
When: Friday evening (during term time)
Where: The Sports Hall in Ashburton (behind New World)
If you’re interested in joining the Boys Brigade pop along at any of these times to chat with the leaders and have a sneak peek of the fun they have. Or get in touch and email Boys Brigade Captain Ross Holland at [email protected] for more information.
Empowering girls and young women to succeed in tomorrow’s world.
Girls Brigade is run by a group of volunteers who are passionate about empowering girls aged 5-17 to discover their identity, gifts and potential.
Join us every Monday evening in the Ashburton Baptist Church foyer during school terms. You can take part in heaps of fun activities and earn your badges! For ages 5-17. New members are always welcome!
If you’re interested in joining the Girls Brigade pop along at any of these times to chat with the leaders and have a sneak peek of the fun they have.
Alternatively call our office on 308 5409 for more details.
When: Monday evening (during term time)
Where: Ashburton Baptist Church foyer
Juniors @ 4:30-6:00pm
Seniors & Pioneers @ 5:30-7:00pm
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
The Ashburton Baptist Preschool is an outreach of the Ashburton Baptist Church. Aiming to provide the highest standard of early childhood education for children from birth to school-going age that is based on Christian values and principles.
While moving into an uncertain future we aim to strengthen our viability, systems, partnerships and practices through a centre-wide commitment to innovation and improvement.
For more information phone the Pre-School 308 2325, visit 8 Eton St Ashburton or visit their website:
Parenting toolbox is a 6 week course designed to strengthen and build your parenting confidence and develop a strong and loving bond with your children. The course is suitable for all parents and caregivers and run by trained facilitators and parents, Jeph and Renee Burns. They are passionate about families and supporting parents and caregivers in their roles.
All of us ask questions at some point in our lives about life, faith and meaning.
Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explores the answers to these questions with food, a talk and open discussion.
We host Alpha courses through-out the year. Find out about our next course.
“Go into all the world and preach the good news to everyone”
Mark 16:15 (NLT)
We are excited about missions and sharing the good news of God’s love with the world. We have the privilege of supporting those in need through prayer, financial support or short term mission trips.
At Ashburton Baptist Church, we have been involved in overseas missions for over 100 years, supporting missionaries of varying ages all around the world. Our involvement in overseas missions continues today as we partner with missionaries based in various countries in the Pacific region and the Asian continent. This support includes physical projects in the form of building construction, preaching, teaching and local evangelism.
As members of the Baptist Union, we are also members of the New Zealand Baptist Missionary Society (NZBMS) of which there are four arms—Tranzsend, Banzaid, Mission World, and Marketplacers.
Make a difference
You don’t need to travel far to support our missions. Your donation big or small will go a long way in supporting our missionaries and helping those in need.
Join us for our Sunday Services at church this weekend
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